Novomessor albisetosus queen
This is the second most common species of the genus in the arid regions of the Southwestern United States and northern México (after Novomessor cockerelli). Nests are usually found under stones with the entrance surrounded by gravel. These ants are very aggressive and although they cannot sting, their bite is irritating
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Available to Texas ,Arizona and New Mexico
This is the second most common species of the genus in the arid regions of the Southwestern United States and northern México (after Novomessor cockerelli). Nests are usually found under stones with the entrance surrounded by gravel. These ants are very aggressive and although they cannot sting, their bite is irritating
Please be sure to read up on our shipping practices on our FAQ page to ensure your order is eligible for live arrival guarantee.
Free shipping alone does not cover live arrival guarantee , please see our shipping practices on our faq page to ensure with the free shipping you added the options to make your order eligible . Thank you.
Available to Texas ,Arizona and New Mexico

This is the second most common species of the genus in the arid regions of the Southwestern United States and northern México (after Novomessor cockerelli). Nests are usually found under stones with the entrance surrounded by gravel. These ants are very aggressive and although they cannot sting, their bite is irritating
Please be sure to read up on our shipping practices on our FAQ page to ensure your order is eligible for live arrival guarantee.
Free shipping alone does not cover live arrival guarantee , please see our shipping practices on our faq page to ensure with the free shipping you added the options to make your order eligible . Thank you.
Available to Texas ,Arizona and New Mexico